Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

The count down to Uganda Fall 2011 is WELL underway. Our flights depart from Charleston, WV and Tampa, FL on October 17. For now all the preparation is in full swing. The pastors are finalizing lesson plans, the behind the scenes team is busy on the paper work covering items from the pastor invitations to mission budgets, the teachers are preparing the creation message, Christian tracts are being written and translated, shopping for food and supplies and on and on and on. It seems that the getting ready can go on forever!! The mission team travelers: Pastor Danny Cunningham, Pastor Mike Coleman, Kim Thompson and Sandy Fleming are all getting excited.
But never, never forget the one true, living God who is so wonderful, so fantastic that He has asked us to join with Him in what he is doing in Uganda. What a privilege! As I get lost in the work…which I love… I am reminded that He doesn’t need me, He could do this all by Himself. No reason to get overwhelmed and every reason to stop and pray. Thank you Lord for choosing this role for me, for us, for our team. Thank you for each and every person involved in preparing, supporting and praying for this mission.
I am convinced that we are following God’s will and can't imagine more worthy cause to devote our time, effort and resources to.
Be patient, check back here again and we will try to be more current on the blog posts. We want to share this experience with you; better yet we want you to join us next time. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How can I ....help....serve?

We have been asked many times, “What exactly do you do in Uganda?” and  “What would I do if I went with you?” So recently Pastor Danny and I put together a couple of brochures titled; “How can I help?” and “How can I serve”. With these 2 flyers we hope to answer your questions. Please take a minute and click on the links, I think the broad scope of God’s ministry will become much clearer to you.

"How can I serve?" 4 HIM in Africa Ministries

"How can I help?" 4 HIM in Africa Ministries

If you haven't yet joined our blog please consider doing that, visit 4 HIM in Africa Ministries.

Uganda Fall 2011..... 31 days and counting

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We're Growing!

We are glad to announce that 4 HIM in Africa Ministries has entered into a working partnership with Cross Lanes Baptist Church, located in Cross Lanes, West Virginia. It is clear that the people and their Pastor, Seth Polk, have a heart for missions. In addition to any role they may choose to play in Uganda they are already active in missions around the world: Moldova, Jamaica, and most importantly right here at home. I suggest you check out Pastor Seth Polk’s blog where you can learn about him, Cross Lanes Baptist Church and in particular the section covering missions. http://www.sethpolkblog.com/
“Cross Lanes Baptist Church is excited to be expanding its Acts 1:8 mission strategy into Africa, in partnership with 4 HIM In Africa Ministries, and Pastor Danny Cunningham. There is a great opportunity in the nation of Uganda to make disciples, and be a part of what God is doing to expand His Kingdom there. Needs are being met, the gospel is being taken to the lost, churches are being planted, indigenous leaders are being trained, and the mission of God is being multiplied! We are praying for this new partnership and look forward to being a part of what God is doing through this ministry.” (Seth Polk)
Acts 1:8 as pointed out by Pastor Seth: Jesus said. . . you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
I am excited to see what God has in store for our ministry. It is a blessing to be joined by the people of Cross Lanes. Just where do we go from here…. where ever God leads!!!!
Welcome to the team CLBC!

Monday, September 5, 2011

2012 Mission Dates

Yes, I realize we are just now finalizing the plans for the October 2011 mission but it is never too early to begin planning for the next. As you are aware 4 HIM in Africa Ministries is involved in an ongoing project  focused on providing bush pastors with a working foundation of knowledge. This is done over the course of 6 1-week educational training conferences. Therefore, 6 mission trips are needed to complete a single training cycle. In addition to the pastors conference there are opportunities to take part in crusades, a new believers class (called an All Saints conference), street side/group/door-to-door evangelism, children/youth ministry, community projects, encouragement visits to churches and schools, prison ministry, medical clinics and much more is in the works....

The upcoming October 2011 mission is the second of the six planned missions. The proposed dates for the next two mission trips are April 9-24, 2012 and October 15-30, 2012. There has been some interest in splitting these missions into 7 or 8 day portions for those who are unable to commit to such a lengthy mid-year mission. At this point the split looks to be do-able but the additional costs associated with extra travel to and from the mission site is still being worked out. I will let you know as that information becomes available. For now, please put the dates on the calendar and be in prayer about them. The hardest part of any mission is saying "yes" when the Lord calls.

Tickets and Plans

I think it never gets more exciting or more real then when the working itinerary is completed and tickets are purchased. Well this is the time! Our small band of travelers is fully ticketed to Uganda. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t time for you to join us. While there are days yet to pass and seats left on the plane (our flight or another) there is still time to become part of our team. Pray, trust your heart; say “yes” when the Lord calls. There are many blessings to be gained by joining God in what he is doing in Uganda. We are in need of those with a desire to teach, preach, witness, and reach out to the people of Uganda. Remember God equips the called.

I must stress once more that in the realm of missionary work no schedule is ever truly final! Keeping that in mind here is our “final” working itinerary for the Fall 2011 mission:
October 17
Depart USA
October 18
 Late PM arrival Entebbe, Uganda
October 19
AM Travel to mission site (Ntungamo)
PM Rest
October 20
 AM Encouragement Visits to bush churches
 PM Crusade, group and street side evangelism
October 21 and 22
            AM All Saints conference, evangelism/child/youth/community ministries
            PM Crusade, group and street side evangelism
October 23
            AM Worship services
            PM Baptism of new believers
            PM Encouragement visit to churches
            PM Relocate team to secondary site (Ibanda)
October 24
            AM Medical clinic visits (attempt to establish medical component to mission)
            AM School visits
            PM Start of Pastors conference, logistical support and registration of pastors
October 25
            AM Pastors conference, complete registration process
            PM Pastors conference, evangelism/child/youth/community ministries
October 26-28
            AM Pastors conference, evangelism/child/youth/community ministries
            PM Pastors conference, evangelism/child/youth/community ministries
October 29
            AM Prison ministries
            AM Church/School Visits
            PM Open time for additional ministries
October 30
            AM early departure to national park
            PM travel to Entebbe
October 31
            AM Rest
            AM & PM Visit and Minister to Divine Secondary School and Orphanage
            Late PM Depart Uganda
November 1
            Late PM return home

Everyday and in everyway we give praises to the Lord for allowing us the privilege to witness what he is doing in, through, and around the wonderful people of Uganda!!!