Well it seems that time isn't going to slow down for me so I am just going to have to type faster. I hope in addition to the new photo array you have discovered the interactive links on this page. Just by hovering over and then clicking a tab you can be whisked away to YouTube where all of our videos can be enjoyed. Click another tab and you can check out the newsletters, both old and new. Want to look at a brochure or two, maybe download one for printing....there is a tab for that. Please sign up for automatic e-mail updates while you're here too. Look around, want something we don't have let me know and I'll see about adding it.
Ok, the next trips itinerary is in the planning stage but it looks like departure from the USA on April 9th with part of the group leaving Uganda for home on the 19th and the remainder on the 23rd. If you are interested in traveling with us on this spring 2012 trip there is still time but only barely. Before being added to the list we ask you read the new members packet and you can get one from Pastor Danny or me. You also need to have a valid passport in hand. The cost per traveler is estimated to be $2700 and I can give you a breakdown as to where your money is being spent. Keep in mind this figure may rise as final costs are calculated. It is important to realize that the mission itself, the obvious priority, takes an additional $7300 to fund. We ask that all missionaries actively participate in fund raising. The best and most productive fund raising strategy is simply to share your passion about this ministry. Every donation of $10, $20, $50 counts and adds up.
I want everyone interested in this ministry to keep up with our "doings", so look for many more of these shorter updates.